Cumberland Meat Packers, Coventry
Cumberland Meat Packers, Coventry
Cumberland Meat Packers are a meat wholesalers based in Coventry who employs approximately 70 people. The company contacted us looking for a complete smoking area for their premises.
Our site surveyor Andrew Bullock visited the company to discuss their options and offer guidance on where the shelter would be best located. Both parties agreed that the Curved 4-Sided Smoking Shelter with polycarbonate roof would be the ideal product for their premises. As well as a shelter, Cumberland Meat Packers also purchased cigarette bins and benches for the shelter to provide a complete smoking area for their employees. The shelter they chose can hold up to 12 people at any one time.
Once delivered, the NBB installation team then prepared the area with appropriate groundwork’s and installed the shelter as well as fixing the bins and benches at the same time.
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